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Cafe - games!

anamaria - our games mistro!
ana-maria, our games genius

[ the tray ]
the seat ]
the shoe ] 
[ george the gopher]
tell me who is under the blanket ]
the knot ]
the siameses ]
[lets to to the moon ]
the chinese numbers ]
[ cross/uncrossed ] 
[ the hot potato]
call an animal]
honey i love you]
the spider's web
the suitcase ]  

[ the tray ]
the seat ]
the shoe ] 
[ george the gopher]
tell me who is under the blanket ]
the knot ]
the siameses ]
[lets to to the moon ]
the chinese numbers ]
[ cross/uncrossed ] 
[ the hot potato]
call an animal]
honey i love you]
the spider's web
the suitcase ]  

[ the tray ]
the seat ]
the shoe ] 
[ george the gopher]
tell me who is under the blanket ]
the knot ]
the siameses ]
[lets to to the moon ]
the chinese numbers ]
[ cross/uncrossed ] 
[ the hot potato]
call an animal]
honey i love you]
the spider's web
the suitcase ]  

[ the tray ]
the seat ]
the shoe ] 
[ george the gopher]
tell me who is under the blanket ]
the knot ]
the siameses ]
[lets to to the moon ]
the chinese numbers ]
[ cross/uncrossed ] 
[ the hot potato]
call an animal]
honey i love you]
the spider's web
the suitcase ]  

[ the tray ]
the seat ]
the shoe ] 
[ george the gopher]
tell me who is under the blanket ]
the knot ]
the siameses ]
[lets to to the moon ]
the chinese numbers ]
[ cross/uncrossed ] 
[ the hot potato]
call an animal]
honey i love you]
the spider's web
the suitcase ]  

And let the games begin!!!

the tray

Place 20 items on a tray. Keep them covered. Uncover the tray so everyone can see and give them 30 seconds to look at it. Cover the tray back up and tell them to down all the things they can remember. The one who remembers the most wins. [ back to top of page]

the seat

This is a game to play with a lot of people and is better if they donīt know each other very well .Ask the following statements to the people aloud. When a person can answer "yes" to a question, that person moves to the next seat on their right. The first person back to their original seat wins. There will be several sitting on laps...even 4 at a time. It is FUN!!

1. If you are wearing shoes that tie.
2. If you are wearing a watch.
3. If you have on a button
4. If you went to church on Sunday
5. If you are wearing heels
6. If you kissed your husband or significant other today
7. If you are having fun
8. If you are wearing a ring
9. If you made the bed you slept in today
11. If you have a zipper
12. If you are wearing pants
13. If you have a son
14. If you have green eyes
15. If you are wearing nail polish
16. If you brought a guest
17. Make up more of your own if you need to. [ back to top of page]

the shoe

Each player takes off one shoe and puts it in the pile in the centre. Then have everyone take one shoe (not their own) and find the owner of the shoe. Once this is done, they find out three things about the owner of the shoe to present to the group. (There will not necessarily be partners in this game as the person's shoe you have probably won't have your shoe. Therefore, find out the three things about the owner of the shoe you have and tell the owner of your shoe three things about yourself.) [ back to top of page]

george the gopher

All what you need is a scarf or something to cover the eyes of one of the participants. The participants sit in a circle, with one person blindfolded in the middle. Another person is chose to approach and tap her on the shoulder. The blindfolded person says, "Who is it please?" The other one replies, disguising her voice, "I'm George the Gopher." If the first person succeeds in identifying them, they trade places. In a large group, allow several guesses. The participants can make up their own silly names in answer. [ back to top of page]

tell me who is under the blanket

Participants all skip around until a signal to stop. On the signal, everyone stops, goes down on their knees, hides their heads, closes their eyes and curl up as small as possible. A leader covers one person up with a blanket. Everyone stands up and guesses who is hidden under the blanket.
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the knot

The group stands in a circle shoulder to shoulder. Everyone puts their hands in the middle ,close their eyes and grabs two other hands.. Now, without letting go of hands, the group must untangle themselves. Variation: One player is chosen as the "Doctor" and goes where he cannot see the group. The rest of the group joins hands in a circle. The group then tangles themselves up. Once they have done this, they call the doctor in. He is the only one who can speak in his attempt to untangle the group.
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the siameses

For this game you need an even group of participants Two partners sit back to back with their elbows linked. Now without letting go, they try to stand up. It's harder than it sounds. For a "front up", both partners sit facing each other and holding hands with their legs straight in front of them and their feet touching their partner's. They must stand up without letting go. Variations: Try this with two, three, or four or more players in a circle back to back or feet to feet. Once both players of "back up" are up, and with their elbows still linked, one player leans forward, lifting the other off the ground and giving his or her body a gentle stretch. In "front up", try stopping halfway up, with both partners holding hands, backs strai ght, and knees at right angles. Hold that position for a short time. [ back to top of page]

lets go to the moon

The players are in a circle. The leader announces her name, that she is taking a trip to the moon, and what she is going to bring. If her name were Daisy, she could bring a dog, a diaper, etc. If anyone thinks they understand how "dog" or "diaper" came about, they attempt to join the trip to the moon. If they have the trick right, they can come on the trip to the moon, if not they can try again until they are a part of the trip. Variation: In order to come on the trip, players must do an action: touch their nose, scratch their head, cough, etc., that the leader did when explaining the game. [ back to top of page]

the chinese numbers

For this game you just need five or six sticks or pens, each slightly different. The preamble to the first demonstration should mention the long years of training necessary to learn and read the sticks, etc. The leader kneels before his group, grips the sticks in a special fashion, holds them to his forehead, and with his eyes closed, mumbles a special gobbledy gook, and throws the sticks. They land on the ground and the leader calls a number, "explaining" how he got it. The sharp eyed observers will catch on quickly as they notice that after each toss, the leader places his hands on his knee--what a coincidence that the number revealed by the pattern corresponds to the number of fingers he extends! [ back to top of page]


A pair of sticks is passed around the circle of seated participants. As the sticks are passed around the circle, the receiver announces "I receive these sticks crossed/uncrossed" depending on his leg position. He then repeats this when passing them, saying, "I pass these sticks crossed/uncrossed" once again depending on his/her leg position. The object of this game is for the participants to discover the secret. [ back to top of page]

the hot potato

The game involves 10 to 20 people who sit in a tight circle with knees bent. Hands are held to knees. One person stands in the centre of the circle between the feet. Someone begins passing an object such as a rolled piece of fur, (about the size of a tennis ball) under the knees. The person in the centre tries to guess who is holding the object which can be passed in any direction. Faking it and angelic faces to confuse the person guessing are encouraged. The person caught moves to the centre. [ back to top of page]

call an animal

Everyone should form a circle. A small bean bag is tossed to anyone in the circle. As soon as the ball is caught, the player must then shout out the name of an animal. The person must then pass the ball to another person in the circle. If there is too long a hesitation after the ball is caught or if an animal name is repeated by a player, then that player steps out of the circle and becomes a referee ie) listens for repeats or delays. This elimination occurs until only four players are left. . [ back to top of page]

honey i love you

Have everyone sit in a circle. One person goes up to someone in the circle and says:"Honey I love you, won't you please, please smile?"; Without smiling, the other person attempts to say: "Honey I love you too, but I just can't smile." If the person smiles, the players switch places. If not, the player in the centre continues to attempt to get someone to smile!
[ back to top of page]

the spider's web

All players, but one, stand in a large circle and are flies. The extra player is the spider and stands in the centre of the circle with their eyes closed. The game leader taps one fly on the back, then tells the spider its dinnertime. The spider opens their eyes, announcing "I'm going to eat a fly for dinner." The fly who was tapped calls, "Catch me first." and runs around the outside of the circle. The spider pursues them and tries to catch them before she reaches her place. If the spider succeeds, the fly becomes the new spider and the spider takes her place in the circle . If they fail, they try again with a new fly. [ back to top of page]

the suitcase

This is a game the be played to 10 ­20 people. The first player says "I am packing my suitcase and I am taking with meŠ(here the player has to name an object)". The second player has to repeat the whole sentence of the first player and has to add another object. The third player would have to repeat everything and he also has to pack another thing and the next player will do the same. If one of the player doesnīt remember all the objects he is not allowed to continue playing. [ back to top of page]

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