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css properties/ html tags/ javascript

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Library - advanced

font ]
colours and background ]
text ]

internal/external css

H1{ font-family: "arial", "verdana", "cursive";
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold}

Example2 - inline css
<H3 style="font-family: 'jokerman', 'fantasy', "Bauhaus 93"; font-variant: small-caps; font-size=20pt">

[ font ]
colours and background ]
text ]

internal/external css

body{ background-image: URL(flower.gif);
background-repeat: repeat-x)

Example2 - inline css

<td style="color:'#CCFFCC'">

[ font ]
colours and background ]
text ]

internal/external css

p{ text-align:justify;


Example2 - inline css
<H3 style="font-family: 'jokerman', 'fantasy', "Bauhaus 93"; font-variant: small-caps; font-size=20pt">


Cascading stylesheet properties

Cascading stylesheets are relatively new. Therefore they do not work on all versions of browsers yet. Listed below are the safe ones to use:

font [ back to top of page ]
font-family : "times new roman" for specifying a font family
  : serif
: sans-serif
: cursive
: fantasy
: monospace

fonts with flags at letter tips
fonts without these flags
scripted fonts
stylised fonts
fonts with letters evenly spaced

font-style : normal
: italic
: oblique

italic (almost like cursive fonts)
slanted to the right (like italics)
font-variant : normal
: small-caps Small-caps text
font-weight : normal
: bold
: bolder
: lighter
: 100

normal (default value=400)
bold (default value=700)
relative to current value already set
relative to current value already set
values from 100(faint) - 900(bold!)
font-size : 10pt
: 18px
: 1.5em

similiar to word, can specify size in terms of points or pixels or scale font size by a factor (1.5em)
  : xx-small | x-small | medium | large | x-large | xx-large
  : smaller
: larger

makes the text (150%) smaller or
(150%) larger than surrounding text


colours and backgrounds [ back to top of page ]

color : red
set font colour
background-color : blue
set background color of any tag
background-image : URL(flower.gif)
: none

set background to an image
no image set to background
background-repeat : repeat
: repeat-x
: repeat-y
: no-repeat

background image repeated
image repeated only horizontally
image repeated only vertically
image appears only once

text [ back to top of page ]

text-align : right
: center
: left
: justify

aligns text to the right
centers text
aligns text to the left
justifies text (makes a neat block)
text-decoration : underline
: overline
: linethrough
: blink
: none

underlines text
overlines text
strikes text (puts a line through it)
makes text blink on and off
no decoration
text-indent : 8px
: 10%

indents a paragraph's first line by your value(in pixels,points,%,em)
text-transform : capitalize
: uppercase
: lowercase
: none

capitalises every word's 1st letter
capitalises every letter
puts every letter into lowercase
text is as typed in

line-height : normal
: 50%
normal spacing between lines of text or enter a value to change this. It is dependent on font-size

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