Classroom 7. Upload with WS-FTP
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an useful internet service to download and upload huge files. With FTP the process works much faster than it would be over the www. Usually it is used to fill your homepage with the needed pages.
As an example we are doing the upload to your tripod website with the FTP-tool called “WS-FTP”.
That´s it! Click the o.k. button and you will be connected to the tripod ftp-server. Have a look at the graphic and you will know if you did it left.
After clicking Ok a connection window will open up. Look at the graphic below. This example is from the - Website.
You can see on the left side of the ftp-upload-window the files and folders on your own computer and on the right side you can see the files and folders that are already uploaded to the server. You can move between the folders just as you do in the windows explorer (see in the internet section “getting around your computer”).