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paint / photoshop tutorial 1 / 2 / theory

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How to create your own images - using Paint

You must use a image-making package such as paint or photoshop.
Paint is widely available and free! in start/accessories on most pcs.

1. Open Paint and go to Image/Attributes to set the size of the canvas
2. Next set the background colour of your image. First click on a colour from the colour palette. If you cannot see this go to View/Color box.
3. Click on the paint bucket in the tool bar menu, then on the image.
4. To draw a circle or square click on one of these icons on the tool bar.
5. Now click and drag on the image to whatever size you want. You can fill this shape by following steps 2 and 3 above. You have created an icon!
6. Don't forget to save it by going to File/Save As, making sure that the 'type' option highlighted is either jpeg or gif.

You can also use a more advanced image package like adobe photoshop.

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